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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dog Chewing Problem

I am finding out very quickly that Sandy is going to be my problem child. She has the energy of a puppy and gets into the same kind of mischief as a puppy. The next dog training trick I started working on with Sandy was one to stop her chewing problem.

I found out the hard way that Sandy will chew just about anything. I had a pair of slippers on the floor in my closet and I now only have one slipper. She actually started chewing on a shoe while I was wearing it. One way I am trying to train Sandy is to chew only what I give her. I have rawhide chews that all three of my dogs take turns at. They chew one until it is gone and then they start on the next.

Sandy also chews on some other toys I have bought for all them. She is the only one that is interested in toys. She and I have several tug of war sessions every day with one of the toys I got her. This is a great dog training trick because it teaches her acceptable toys and also gives her an outlet for pent up energy.

While I am working on chewing with Sandy, I am trying to get Lily and Scooter interested in playing with the other toys they have.

If you have found some dog training tricks that solve the chewing problem, please send a post.

1 comment:

  1. My dog has been having the "chewing" issue among other problem. I am new dog owner and new to the Baltimore area so I have been looking for tips and some K9 training in Maryland.
