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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dog Whining Problem

I don't want anyone to think that all my training problems are with Sandy. Lily has some challenges of her own. The dog training trick needed for Lily is one to stop her whining problem. I am sure it is separation anxiety because she whines when I go into a room and close the door so she can't get in. She is proving to be just as much a challenge as Sandy but in a different way.

I know most dog trainers will strongly disagree but we let our dogs sleep in our bedroom. We enjoy them and want them close. My husband gets up very early, takes the dogs out through the patio door and spends time playing with them. I sleep later because I work swing shift. When my husband gets up, he closes the bedroom door so I can sleep.

After play time is over and the dogs are settling down, Lily realizes that I am not around. She goes to the bedroom door and starts to whine. She is not timid about this, her whining could wake the neighbors. I am working on getting her to stop by using some of the training methods I have read about.

I am going to the door and saying STOP, I then open the door and close it just before she has a chance to run into the bedroom. As soon as she is quiet, I go out and praise her. This method is starting to work but is not completely successful so far. This is one of those behaviors that is very difficult to get rid of and takes a lot of patience and consistency. This dog training trick is proving to be the most challenging one I have encountered so far but I am beginning to see a little progress.

If you have found any dog training tricks for whining, please send me a post and let me know what has worked for you.

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